With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following code from the console to set the desired level on a given skill:
stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [1-10]
As an example, you might enter stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 7 to set your skill level on Major Fishing to 7. The list of available skill types is as follows:
■ Major_Fishing
■ Major_Mischief
■ Major_Guitar
■ Major_Reaping
■ Major_Programming
■ Major_Gardening
■ Major_GourmetCooking
■ Major_Comedy
■ Major_Charisma
■ Major_Writing
■ Major_VideoGaming
■ Major_Violin
■ Major_RocketScience
■ Major_Painting
■ Major_Piano
■ Major_Logic
■ Major_Handiness
■ Major_HomestyleCooking
■ Major_Bartending
■ Skill_Fitness
■ Skill_Child_Social
■ Skill_Child_Motor
■ Skill_Child_Creativity
■ Skill_Child_Mental
Interaction Cheats
While in the cheats console, pressing SHIFT+] can also increase the size of objects. If you enable additional cheats using the testinghcheats true code and then type in cas.fulleditmode, you will enable all CAS abilities. Then you can press and hold SHIFT while clicking on the objects listed below to produce a menu that lets you select the corresponding effect.
■ Sim - Allows Sim to be modified, except name and inherited traits (Modify in CAS)
■ Sim - Reset a Sim (Reset Object)
■ Sim - Add the Sim to the current family (Add to Family)
■ Sim - All motives are full and mood is Happy (Cheat Motive > ...
Cheat Console and Codes
Press CTRL+SHIFT+C on PC or COMMAND+SHIFT+C on Mac to bring up the cheats console. From there, you can enter the commands below to activate the corresponding effects.
■ Help – Lists available console cheats
■ motherlode – 50,000 Simoleons
■ kaching – 1000 Simoleons
■ rosebud – 1000 Simoleons
■ FreeRealEstate [on/off] – When entered at neighborhood/world level, makes all homes free
■ Death.toggle – Disables Death
■ resetSim [FirstName] [LastName] – Resets the specified Sim
■fullscreen – Toggles full screen on/off
■ headlineeffects[on/off] – Hides all headline effects (plumbobs, thought balloons, etc.)
■ testingcheats [true/false] – Enables additional cheats
■ households.autopay_bills - Pays bills automatically
■ ui.dialog.auto_respond - Backs out of dialog or makes a choice automatically
■ aspirations.complete_current_milestone - Completes current aspiration milestone
■ careers.demote[name of career] - Earn a demotion in chosen career
■ careers.promote[name of career] - Earn a promotion in chosen career
■ careers.remove_career[name of career] - Abandon career
■ crafting.shorten_phases - Faster crafting
■ sims.fill_all_commodities - Fill commodities for one Sim
■ stats.fill_commodities_household - Fill commodities for all Sims in household
■ sims.modify_funds [amount] - Add specified amount of funds
■ sims.remove_all_buffs - Moodlets are removed
■ sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired] - Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes)
Enjoy it ^_^